ข้อสอบวิชาสามัญ ภาษาอังกฤษ ชุดที่ 12
ข้อสอบวิชาสามัญ ภาษาอังกฤษ ชุดที่ 12
20% Complete
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ข้อที่ 5.

Directions: Read the passages below and select the best word choices to complete the passages.
   The increase in obesity began nearly half a century ago with a rise in calories consumed daily and a decline in meals ___1___ at home. 
   According to the Department of Agriculture, in 1970 the food supply provided 2,086 calories per person per day, on average. By 2010, this amount ___2___ to 2,534 calories, an increase of more than 20 percent. ___3___ each day could add nearly 50 pounds to the average adult in a year. 
   Sugar, it turns out, is a minor player ___4___ the rise. More than half of the added calories - 242 a day -- have come from fats and oils, and another 167 calories from flour and cereal. Sugar accounts for only 35 of ___5___.