ข้อสอบเข้ามหาวิทยาลัย ภาษาอังกฤษ(2544) ชุดที่11
ข้อสอบเข้ามหาวิทยาลัย ภาษาอังกฤษ(2544) ชุดที่11
35% Complete
20 of 20
ข้อที่ 20. Nearest Star by Leon Golub and Jay Pasachoff. $29.95, Harvard, ISBN 0674004671 The subtitle of Nearest Star is The surprising science of our Sun. and it is surprising: our knowledge of this normal dwarf star that happens to be all-important to life on Earth is very far from complete. Many puzzles remain, even if we know far more now than we did a few years ago, before data from spacecraft became available. In any case, Leon Golub and Jay Pasachoff are splendid guides to the subject, as both are highly distinguished American astronomers who have paid special attention to the Sun. Nearest Star is a comprehensive survey, dealing with all aspects of solar research. It is well written and well illustrated, and there is a good glossary and a useful bibliography. It is probably not a book for the complete beginner, or for the amateur using modest equipment; it is not intended to be so. If, however, you are looking for a reliable, up-to-date very readable account of modern solar science, with special emphasis on Earth-Sun relationships, then this is the one for you The pronoun “this” in the last line refers to……..