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แบบทดสอบ SMART-I วัดความสามารถด้านภาษาอังกฤษ
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ข้อที่ 1.

Directions: Read the following passages and choose the correct answer for each question.
Passage 1 (Questions 1 - 7)
     As large companies find that the features that once lured top candidates to big firms are no longer considered attractive, they are returning to college campuses in search of the employees they need to fill entry-level positions and to groom for greater responsibilities. But many employers are finding that both today's crop of graduates and the rules of the recruiting game are far different than they were 10 years ago.
     Just as employers' needs have changed, so too have the desires and expectations of the next generation of employees. Smart employers are adopting new recruiting strategies that not only help them attract this new breed of employees, but also prepare the new recruits to be productive in their first days on the job.
     At Lotus Development Corporation, an interest in the college community as a whole is part of an aggressive recruiting strategy. The company's leaders believe relationships with colleges and universities are the key to getting the best students in a tight labor market. To achieve that goal, Lotus makes sure the company's representatives are visible at symposiums and product seminars on college campuses, and encourages executives to teach classes at universities where the company recruits. "We actively cultivate relationships with professors and university departments and show that we are truly interested in the students' future," says Eric Hutcherson, manager of college relations. "To not do these things, to just be there when we need employees, would make us appear disingenuous."

The word "them" (in Paragraph 2) refers to ________.