ข้อที่ 1.

Director: Read the extracts below and choose the BEST answer to each question that follows.

   This story shows that there are some terribly mean people around in the world today.
   My son went on holiday to Holland. It was a struggle to find the cash to send him, but in the end off he went with a bit of pocket money.
   On his first day there, he bought his younger brother and sister a present each – a dog that yaps and picks up paper and a clown which does tricks.
   On the day of his departure, he was told to leave the presents in the hotel lobby with his luggage, so he tied the toys to his case.
   When it came time to go home, the toys had disappeared. Can anybody imagine the disappointment on my son’s face when he couldn’t give his brother and sister their presents?
Mrs. L. Slater, Codnor, Derbys
WRITE TO: Mirror Woman,
Holdborn Circus, London ECIP 1DQ

This letter ______.