ข้อที่ 1.

     In a perfect world, the ideal home would have “a place for everything, and everything in its place.” But as a family grows, and new interests and hobbies flourish, we all collect essential items and hesitate to throw out anything re-usable. As a result, our homes become more crowded with possessions, and adequate storage is essential to keep everything clean and safe as well as to create a pleasant home environment.
     As a general rule, you can never have too much storage because your possessions will tend to grow to fit all the available space. You may wish to have a flexible system for all the essentials but may find in many apartments and houses there is not much room in which to install shelves, cupboards and drawers in the first place. Or you may be restricted by a tight budget and have to use some temporary storage initially until you can afford something more permanent.

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