ข้อที่ 1.

Asking for and Giving Information
You are helping your parents who own a food shop in town. A tourist comes into your shop.
Directions: Choose the most appropriate alternative to complete each blank in the dialog.

You:  Hello. Please have a seat. Can I help you?
Tourist:  Yes. …1… I’m so thirsty.
You:  We have iced coffee, soft drinks and beer. What would you like to order?
Tourist:  …..2……
You:  Certainly. (a minute later) Here you are. Do you want some ice also?
Tourist:  No,…..3….. I was told it might be a little risky.
You:  …..4…… Have you been here long?
Tourist:  …..5…… I’m not used to this hot weather.
You:  It’s hot now, but the rainy season will begin soon. ….6….
Tourist:  …..7…..can you tell me where Wat Thong is? Is it close by?
You:  It’s about a kilometer away.
Tourist:  ….8…..?
You:  By bus. The green bus can take you there. But you’ll have to cross the street to catch it.
Tourist:  Cross the street and get on a green bus?
You:  …..9….. The bus’ll go straight. As soon as it takes a right turn, get off. Wat Thong is right in front of you.
Tourist:  Thanks. ….Er……, how much do I owe you?
You:  That’s five baht. (The tourist hands you a ten-baht note)
You:  …..10….. Have a nice stay!
Tourist:  Thanks. Goodbye.