ข้อที่ 1.
(Item 1-7) Passage I : Here is from a radio interview of an accountant. “Until two years ago I hated supermarkets. An aunt of mine owned a grocer’s shop. A new supermarket was open nearby with all kinds of goods and the prices were knocked down. My aunt became anxious since she couldn’t compete with their prices. She was put out of business because the customers prefer inexpensive goods to personal friendly service.” “Two years ago my firms transferred me to their Paris branch. My French was so terrible that I dared not talk to anyone. Fortunately, I could enjoy shopping almost everything from the supermarket near my residence without uttering a single word. I just chose what I wanted and paid to the cashier. It was quite convenient and it didn’t take me long to do my stopping at all, therefore I began to change my mind about supermarkets.” What is “I” in the passage ?